Edo 2024: Resignation Of Some PDP Members In Edo Central Spurred by Greed, Avarice, says insider

By Ehichioya Steve Odion 

There is no doubt that this is a period where politicians display all manner of characters for political survival. This were the words of some members of the peoples  democratic party, PDP in reaction to rising cases of resignation of some of their members from the party.

They contend that resignees are driven by greed and politics of stomach infrastructure with no space left to accommodate sound reasoning to know that governance is about the well-being of the generality of the populace for which the present government in the state has respected.

Recall that there has been a gale of resignations by some members of the ruling party , the Peoples Democratic party, PDP where a handful of them have left the party citing alleged ill treatment or crisis in the party.

But having regard to the enlightened and super active Edo electorate who have begun to understand the antics of the politicians in every election year and therefore can not be deceived by them.

 It is no longer business as usual when they  used their greed and selfish interest to deceive the gullible ones who may have taken them seriously, because the voters already know their style.

 Rather, the innocent people in the society have since discovered that the politicians were doing what they are known for, for their own selfish interest".

Investigation carried out in  some of the PDP members that just tendered their resignation, revealed that some members of the party who do not want their names to be mentioned in the media, said their resignations were not genuine even though they have the right to join any political party of their choice.

According to them,  " Those days when a member of a party is aggrieved and threatened to quit the party, it usually become worried to the leadership of that party because they do not want to lose such member and they quickly swing into action by meeting him in order to know what was wrong. But today it is no longer like that because politicians now abuse their movement from one political party to another every now and then.

"As for those who are presently resigning their membership with the party are based on greed and Selfishness, there are many of them who always want to be in power either through elective position or appointment. 

 This set of politicians can not be stopped from moving from one party to another.  Once they have nothing to benefit from party A, they will go and negotiate with other parties where their interest can be accommodated. 

Also, this set of politicians never want to work for any other person if they are not in the ballot or assured of any position in the incoming government.There is a particular one who could not secure the governorship ticket in the last  PDP primary and was the first to tender his resignation in Edo Central before others followed

They said the only thing that is giving them joy is that their followers have began to realize that their so called leaders who indulge in this practice of moving from one party to another are doing that for their greed and selfish interest, adding that is the reason their close allies no longer accompany them to decamp.

They praised their party members who resisted the temptation of moving with those who have  left the party without any justify able reason. They further said that they are particularly happy that the party is blessed with a competent candidate, Dr. Asue Ighodalo whose name is now a household name in Edo State that is giving the opposition sleepless night.

They also described Ighodalo as a unifier whose mission is to ensure there is relative peace in the party which he intend to translate into the state so that we can equally have a peaceful state to grow the economy quickly for the benefit of the people.

They said Ighodalo's issue-based campaign has since endeared him to the generality of Edo people, adding that they were sure of victory as the candidate continue to engage everyone irrespective of their position affiliation in the state.

They appealed to party members not to be discouraged by the attitude of 
those who resigned from the party as they did that to satisfy themselves and their families for political gains. They were also advised, especially Edo people not to fall for the instruments of propaganda of the opposition APC in deceiving people to fall into their traps which was the method they applied during the Presidential election which has brought hardship and suffering to Nigerians today.

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