EDO 2024: MONDAY OKPEBHOLO EXPOSES HIS POLICE ORDERLY TO UNTIMELY DEATH ..APCs are known to have zero regard for human lives...

By Ehidiamen Clifford 
Spokesperson, MEGA

While I extend my heartfelt condolence to the Nigeria Police Force, Edo state command, I wish to also expressed  same to the families and friends of the fine police officer who died in active duty due to the  political rascality of the APC candidate, Monday Okpebholo.

It is so sad that the life of an innocent police officer and citizen of the Federal Republic of Nigeria has been sacrificed on the alter of political rascality and  agberoism via an act of ignorance and wickedness demonstrated by persons who are expected to know better. It is even worse that such person  aspire to lead Edo state while sacrificing the blood of the people on the altar of political position.

The death of this fine officer would have been very avoidable should the APC candidate conducted himself in a more civilised manner as someone expected to know the law.

Yes, the court gave a judgement in favour of the former deputy governor, but  the  APC candidate, how does it concern you?? If you are so concern that the victory favours you, why not visit Philip in his residence and congratulate him or better still extend a congratulatory message to him through your spokesman, rather than insisting on a road show or political procession to celebrate  a premature victory, in a case that is yet to be concluded having been appealed. 

Let's even assume you both came via the same aircraft from Abuja. After landing, why not  go quietly your separate way to do your assignments. But the APC candidate insisted on  engaging in a public procession against the security advice of the Commissioner of Police, Edo State,  who was personally onground to ensure he convinced them otherwise. But as poticians who have affinity for violence and blatant disregard for Constituted authorities,  they slighted the Police boss and security intelligence that would have averted the death of this police officer  and the  disruption of public peace.

While these action  should be condemned by every well-meaning Edolites, it is our sincere expectation that the APC  candidate will be held responsible. He must be invited by the police to explain the rationale behind his orderly's death and delebrate disregard for the security intelligence report available to him first hand. Could it be that the candidate orchestrated the death of his orderly to score cheap political point and artificial sympathy from Edo people, which he will never get? Why not consider the lives and safety of your supporters and security details far more important than the political point you intend to score by mere political rally to celebrate victory for a case still in court for determination. 

It is obvious that this set of political homosapiens are not worthy to lead Edo people or find themselves in the ruling class of any civilised society.

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