Governor Obaseki's Transformative Impact On Edo State's Ease Of Doing Business

By Abdul-Kadir Abdullah

Governor Godwin Obaseki of Edo State has been lauded for his exceptional leadership in driving significant improvements in the state’s ease of doing business and overall business environment.

His administration’s unwavering commitment to creating a conducive business environment has attracted investors, stimulated economic growth, and positioned Edo State as a preferred destination for investments.

One of Governor Obaseki’s most notable achievements in the business landscape has been the establishment of the Edo State Investment Promotion Office (ESIPO)-Ease of Doing Business Secretariat, tasked with coordinating investments in the state.

As a dedicated agency, ESIPO has played a critical role in streamlining processes, attracting foreign direct investment (FDI), and fostering a supportive ecosystem for businesses in the state.

As an investment promotion agency (IPA), it has contributed to the implementation of a range of initiatives, including the following:

*The Edo State One-Stop-Shop:* A centralized platform that consolidates various government permits and approvals, reducing bureaucratic delays and improving efficiency. It is located on the ground floor of Block B in the state's secretariat, Sapele Road, Benin City.

*The Edo State Ease of Doing Business Council (EoDB Council):* This council consists of heads of all business-facing MDAs in the state, with the Commissioner for the Ministry of Finance as chairman and the Managing Director of ESIPO as secretary. It aims to address the concerns of businesses without delay and support the EoDB Secretariat in achieving milestones in the ease of doing business ranking.

*Tax Reforms:* Simplification of tax procedures, introduction of e-tax filing, and reduction of tax burdens to enhance competitiveness. Businesses can now pay their taxes electronically with ease to the Edo State Internal Revenue Service (EIRS). The state is also working on tax harmonization to address the challenge of multiple taxation.

*Land Administration Reforms:* Modernization of land records and digitization of land titles to improve land administration and reduce transaction costs. The establishment of Edo GIS has simplified these processes. It is now possible to obtain a certificate of occupancy (C of O) in 30 working days with a minimum of ₦50,000, which can also be processed electronically.

*Regulatory Environment:* Some achievements include the passage of the Edo State Investment Promotion Law of 2021, the Edo State Private Property Protection Law, the Edo State Environmental Law of 2020, and the Edo State Rubber Policy of 2021 (Draft). Important policy and strategic documents supporting the regulatory environment include the Edo State Industrial Policy of 2020, The Edo State Green Growth Plan of 2020, Analysis of Key Investment Opportunities in Edo State Oil Palm Landscapes 2020, Edo State Investment Guide 2024, Edo State Investment Brochure, the Policy Audit on the Legal and Regulatory Frameworks for Business Enabling Environment, Employment Promotion and MSMEs Development in Edo State, Ease of Doing Business and State Action on Business Enabling Reforms Guide Book, the Edo State Investment and Business Incentives Compendium, and the Edo State Forest Restoration and Plantation Investment Strategy. Also important to mention is the establishment of the Small Claims Courts and the Multi-Door Courts in the state’s judiciary to ensure quick and easy resolution of business-related disputes.
 *Infrastructure Development:* Investment in critical infrastructure, such as roads, power (Ossiomo Electricity Power), the Benin Enterprise Park, and Edo State Production Centre on Sapele Road, to support business operations and attract investors. Another significant milestone is the establishment of the Edo State Electricity Regulatory Commission (ESERC) as the sole regulator for the state's electricity market.

*Other Milestones:* Facilitation of training for 400 MSMEs on digital marketing. Over 3,000 MSMEs have been empowered with a ₦300 million grant from UNDP. Over 1,000 businesses have been supported in digital marketing, with aftercare services provided to address and resolve challenges. ESIPO also introduced "Doing Business in Edo," a TV/Radio program on EBS in collaboration with the Edo Broadcasting Service (EBS), aimed at improving communication between the government and the private sector to enhance the business environment in the state.

*Online Business Directory (MSMEs Data Bank):* Creation of the Edo State MSMEs Data Bank Software for public and private sector business development. It is an online portal that allows businesses to register and incorporate with minimal paperwork and turnaround time. This development is ongoing, with ESIPO collaborating with the Data Agency, Ministry of Business Trade and Cooperatives, Ministry of Science Technology and Digital Economy, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security, Edo GIS, Edojobs, and other business-facing MDAs in the state.

Governor Obaseki’s reforms have undoubtedly yielded tangible results. The state has witnessed a significant increase in FDI inflows, attracting over $2.5 billion, with several multinational companies establishing operations in Edo State. Examples include Uber, Bolt, Rongtai Industrial Park, Duport Energy (the first energy park in Nigeria, located in Orhionwon LGA), the Edo Refinery, Amo, Dufil, Reign, the Benin Mall (ShopRite) on Sapele Road, and Prime Agro Seeds Limited. These investments have created over 200,000 jobs, boosted local economies, and contributed to the state’s overall development.

Furthermore, Edo State has consistently improved its business environment and ease of doing business, earning the Federal Government of Nigeria/World Bank States Fiscal Transparency, Accountability and Sustainability (SFTAS) Award, the Vanguard Governor of the Year Award in 2022, and recently, a joint first in BudgIT’s 2024 Quarter One Fiscal Transparency League Table.

These recognitions have enhanced the state’s global reputation as a business-friendly destination, attracting greater attention from investors and international donor partners worldwide. For example, the state has established strategic partnerships with the Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission (NIPC), the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ), the Sustainable Trade Initiative Netherlands (IDH), the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the Financial Times, Heifer International, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

In addition to these reforms, Governor Obaseki has also prioritized the creation of a conducive security environment by improving the state’s security architecture, working with local hunters, vigilantes, and relevant security agencies. By investing in law enforcement, improving security infrastructure, and promoting community policing, the state has significantly reduced crime rates, creating a safer and more attractive environment for businesses.

Governor Obaseki’s commitment to improving the ease of doing business in Edo State is a testament to his visionary leadership and dedication to the state’s development. His reforms have laid a strong foundation for sustainable economic growth, job creation, and improved livelihoods for the people of Edo State.

As the state continues to implement these initiatives, it is poised to become a leading business hub in Nigeria and beyond.

 Abdul- Kadir Abdullah,
 Public Affairs Analyst 

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